“God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance.” Romans2:4
Dear God, We often think of how you send hardship to turn me around. We even call it a “wake up call”. But we do not so readily think that you send grace and blessings to bring us to repentance. I remember being surprised the first time I read about Peter in Luke 5 falling to the bottom of his boat in fear and repentance when you blessed him with a boat full of fish. I would have thought he’d be celebrating. Instead he was repenting. When I think of your Son on the cross for me, it leads me to humble myself too. But it also makes me thankful that you would save a wretch like me. Your blessings, even the blessing of Jesus ,lead me to honesty about my unworthiness of such generosity. They lead me to love and trust you too. If you can keep blessing a sinner like me, you are the most stable person in all the universe for me. Thank you for changing my heart and life through your consistent grace based generosity toward me. Amen.
Karma is humankind’s weak attempt to take credit for what God loves to give out of grace