Saturday 9th

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“Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.” Proverbs 3:3-4

Dear Heavenly Father, The two words, love and faithfulness, are plastered all over the Old Testament. Sometimes they are translated as “love and truth.” Here in your wisdom from Solomon, you show how important these two characteristics really are to you. Solomon tells us that David impressed on him to wear them like a necklace and to write them on his heart. The love he talks about is a love that is independent of anyone deserving it. It gives and forgives freely. It’s felt by friends and enemies alike. The faithfulness is a consistency and loyalty that makes one dependable in every situation. I don’t have either of these virtues perfectly, but I see how important they are to you. By being loving and faithful, your Son saved my soul. By my being loving and faithful I can make you and people happy. I want these virtues more than any other. Make me loving and faithful toward all who know me. Help them see you and your ways when they look over my shoulder to see what I am up to. Give them the freedom to trust when they think of dealing with me on any matter. Amen.

There is nothing more handsome or beautiful than looking like Jesus from the inside out