“By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” Hebrews 11:3
Dear Jesus, It’s part of the very foundation underneath so many other things I believe. You created all things out of nothing in six short days. Everything was perfect, everything did and still does belong to you and you will call all people to account for how they lived in your universe under your gracious blessing. From you, in you and for you are all things. This changes the way I look at marriage, my job, my possessions, my friends, my choices, my life story and my destiny. Help me to live by faith and not self-sufficiency so that I make the best of the life you have generously allowed me to live here in your house. Amen.
If there is no room for God in your life, it’s because you unwittingly think it is your room