Monday, May 11th


“You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy; they rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest, as warriors rejoice when dividing the plunder.”  Isaiah 9:3

Lord God, Such joy is ours!  Such confidence is ours!  Such brightness comes to our hearts!  Such hope fills our hearts!    It’s like we get to stand at the edge of the harvest field and see the harvest ready to be gathered in.  It’s like the festival meal that we enjoy when the harvest has been gathered in.  It’s like when warriors gaze at the plunder and enjoy splitting it up.  Lord Jesus, you have come.  You have won the victory.  You have given me your Word.  You have given me your Spirit.  You have given me grace in place of grace already given.  When I was born into this world, you brought me into your family through baptism.  You clothed me with righteousness and gave me your name.  Still to this day you feed my soul through your word and enlighten my hope with the promises of your word.  And I know that into this day, in this week, into this month, and throughout the rest of my life you will do more than I can even begin to imagine.  I can’t wait to see what you will do.  Amen.

Our Savior Jesus will fill us with joy that we can barely begin to imagine.  We can compare it to the joy we experience at earthly things, but it doesn’t even come close to the full joy we’ll experience at his final coming.