Saturday, May 9th


“I will take away the chariots from Ephraim and the warhorses from Jerusalem; and the battle bow will be broken.  He will proclaim peace to the nations.  His rule will extend from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth.”  Zechariah 9:10

Dear Jesus, This verse brings to my mind such images of you.  I picture you in the temple turning tables and casting out the money changers.  I can imagine your zeal.  I can imagine the flurry of your movements as you carried out your work.  Except, here I don’t see you in the temple.  I see you in a battle camp.  I see you overturning chariots and casting them easily to the side.  I see you setting warhorses free so that even if the chariots remained there would be nothing to pull them.  I imagine you grabbing spears and bows and arrows and breaking them over your knee.  I see you coming mightily and with great zeal.  And then, I see you standing up on top of the pile of rubble proclaiming peace over all the warriors.  I see you telling them that the war is over, that the battle is already done.  I can even hear the shouts and jubilation of the warriors as they listen to you.  They can’t contain their joy!  Lord Jesus, grant me the same joy as a warrior who has just heard that the war is over, that the battle has been won.  You have come and have completely destroyed all of my enemies.  You have broken their weapons over your knee.  You have made them completely impotent against me.  Grant me the joy of a soldier who knows that the war is over and he’s going home.  That is true for me.  Fill my heart with this joy.  And then, fill my mouth with that message.  There are so many people who yet need to know of your grace and mercy to them, to the whole world.  Help me to spread it loud so that my joy may grow as we share this joy of peace together.  Amen.

Jesus is a warrior king.  He has come and has won peace for all people.  The war is over.  Set down your weapons and enjoy the peace with God that Jesus brings.