Tuesday, April 7th


“Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story-those he redeemed from the hand of the foe, those he gathered from the lands, from east and west, from north and south.”  Psalms 107:2-3

Dear Father, Throughout history you have shown yourself to be a God who turns tables and changes fortunes.  When your people were wandering in the wilderness, you changed their fortunes and brought them into a land flowing with milk and honey.  When your people were surrounded by their enemies and seemed destined for defeat, you turned the tables on their enemies and swallowed their enemies in the sea.  This is the story of your rescue throughout the Bible.  A story of intervention in the pride and arrogant ways of your people to turn them back to you.  A story of turning tables on their enemies.  A story of changing their fortunes.  A story of restoring this wilderness of a world into a wondrous paradise.  This is the story of your own work in my life, dear Lord.  You have rescued me!  You brought me to your side.  And when in pride and arrogance I began to go my own way, you intervened to rescue me, to redeem me, to turn me back.  Sometimes you brought me low so that you could lift me up.  Sometimes you turn the tables on those who wanted to hurt me.  Sometimes I don’t even know what you have done in my life to work, to save, and to redeem.  But Father, I know what kind of God you are.  You are a God who turns tables and changes fortunes.  Help me to tell your story today and every day.  Let my whole life sing this story.  Let my mouth tell it loudly and proudly.  Amen.

Our God is a God who turns the tables and changes fortunes!