Monday, April 6th


“As for man, his days are like grass-he blooms like a flower of the field; when the wind passes over it, it vanishes, and its place is no longer known.  But from eternity to eternity the LORD’S faithful love is toward those who fear him…His kingdom rules over all.  Psalm 103:15-17, 19

Dear Father, I often forget how temporary and fleeting my life and all the things in it are.  I often forget and get quite worked up about how things are going in my life and in my work.  I get frustrated and upset when things don’t go my way.  I get consumed by the pursuit of things in my life.  But in this, Father, I forget how temporary those things are.  They are here for a moment, but as soon as I get the newest thing it begins to decay and soon it is old, worn, and useless or forgotten to me.  And it’s the same thing with me.  The things that do matter in the moment, but after that moment passes the wind blows over the spot where I was and the place where I worked and I am forgotten.  I say this, Father, not with a sense of despairing fatalism, but with a sense of clear focus.  It is important for me to work and to work well while I can.  It is important for me to make smart decisions in this world.  But it is just as important to remember that my impact and importance in this world is only small and is only temporary.  It is even more important that I remember that your kingdom endures forever and that your kingdom is over all.  When I am all worked up because of the course of my life, remind me that you, Lord, are King.  When I am concerned about things outside of my control or beyond my time, remind me that you, Lord, are King over all.  The wind will never blow over your spot and remove all remembrance of you from the earth.  The ripples of your impact in this world will never stop going out into this world.  And your impact includes me and my life!  You are concerned for my life and are compassionate for me!  Help me to remember this, dear Father, as I live my life.  Give me a godly perspective on my life and a deep hope in your compassion and rule.  You, Lord, are King!  And your kingdom endures forever.  Amen.

My life is short and my impact is limited.  But the impact of King Jesus is eternal.  His kingdom and his rule extends over all-even me!