Saturday, October 3rd


“They did what your power and will had decided beforehand should happen.  Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness.  Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”  Acts 4:28-30

Sovereign and Mighty Lord, I often forget how mighty, how wise, and how sovereign you are.  I see things spinning in this world and I forget that you are the one who controls the way that this world spins.  I see trouble and hardship and chaos and pain and I become afraid and anxious and worried.  I see all of this happening and I forget that you are sovereign over it all.  Help me remember your sovereignty today.  This day and the moments that will happen in this day are surely under your sovereign might and your gracious care.  You do what you do because you love me.  You send what you send because you care about me and others in this world.  You allow what you allow because you want to refine us and our faith like silver.  You are truly sovereign and mighty over all things.  Give me courage and boldness to step into this day with my head up and my shoulders back because you are my King and you are King over my life.  Open my mouth to speak up courageously and confidently about you to this world.  Enable me to speak your Word with great boldness.  Amen.

It helps to see this world and our lives through the lens of his sovereign might and power.  It gives us courage and boldness to face this day.  It gives us boldness to speak up about our God who has ordered all things that we and all people might be saved.