Friday, April 12th


So Joshua took the entire land, just as the Lord had directed Moses, and he gave it as an inheritance to Israel according to their tribal divisions. Then the land had rest from war.” Joshua 11:23

Lord God, When you give victory, there is rest for your people. For 40 years the people were wandering in the wilderness with no place to settle down and set down roots. For weeks and years the people of Israel were fighting battle after battle, always on edge, always with a sword in hand, never able to rest from war. But when you gave them victory, they could finally rest. Lord God, you do the same for me. When you give victory, there I find my rest. Even as this week begins, dear Jesus, I find rest and victory in your cross and empty tomb. The greatest victory that I’ve experienced came when you took my sins and drowned them in the blood that flowed from your veins. And it’s not just there, dear Jesus. You have planted victory in your cross and empty tomb. The greatest victory that I’ve experienced came when you took my sins and drowned them in the blood that flowed from your veins. And it’s not just there, dear Jesus. You have planted me here and given me all that is in my life. My family. My church. My home. My job. My property and possessions. It’s all from you. And best of all, you have given me yourself. You are mine. You are my God. You are the strength of my heart and my portion forever. When you give me all of that, there I find rest. Help me to enjoy this rest even as I go to work and serve you and other people today. Amen.