Thursday, April 11th


“Peter answered him, ‘We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?’ “ Matthew 19:27

Dear Jesus, I love Peter because he said what so many of us hide in our feelings. We all want something back for what we have given up to follow you. Our motives and devotion are flawed. It isn’t always tangible things that we expect. It’s often respect, gratitude, approval and encouragement. But you don’t want us to desire anything for our devotion. Conditional devotion isn’t really devotion at all. You have no conditional devotion for us when you lived and died to save us. No one needed to notice in order to give you the will to die sacrificially. Help me to live sacrificially without notice. To love without concern. to give freely without counting the cost. Make me a servant like you who lives the full life of love and devotion to others. Amen.

Love doesn’t notice that no one notices it’s dedication.