Saturday, December 28th



“Paul, an apostle-not from men or by man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead...”  Galatians 1:1

Dear Father, The apostle Paul was a great man.  I learn so much and get great encouragement from him.  He was a founder, a leader, and a pastor over so many different churches.  And yet, when he comes to the Galatians, I notice the humility and the authority with which he comes.  He could have come to them on the basis of his role in the church.  He could have come to them on the basis of his reputation and his authority.  But instead, he came on the basis of the authority and call of Jesus.  He was an apostle, yes.  But not because of him or because of anyone else; simply because of the call of Jesus.  The same is true for me too, dear Father.  You’ve called me into your kingdom.  You’ve graciously given me a role in your kingdom.  And you’ve put your words on my lips.  As I go out to share your words, keep from being a lord over others with my words or my being a lord over others with my words or my approach or my role.  Help me to remember that all that authority is from you and through you.  You are the Lord!  Lead me to come to people with your love in my heart and your words on my mouth.  I come as your representative; you are the authority.  Fill me with this humility and this confidence as I go about your work today. Amen.

I am who I am because of Jesus.  I am not a self-made person.  I am not a man-made person.  I am who I am
because of the forgiveness of God.  I am who I am because of the call of the Holy Spirit.  I am who I am because of the power of Jesus living in me.