“Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and offering and sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 5:1-2
Dear Jesus, I have spent my whole life following mentors. It’s so much easier to emulate someone than
to invent my own path. And whenever I’m facing a difficult situation and cannot think of someone to follow, all I need to do is ask myself what you would do. That’s when stories from your word about your life, spring into my mind. My path forward becomes much clearer. I love these words, “walk in the way of love.” That picture of walking in love helps me avoid the trap of getting even and of playing the victim when I’m hurt. Now even the hurts from others are an opportunity for me to show your love. I cling to the promise that even though it doesn’t always seem to work to change the person immediately, you see it and it’s a fragrant offering to
you. I know I am pleasing you by imitating your love. You are my audience. Not the world. Amen.
God smiles at our every kindness, especially the kindness shown to an