Tuesday, September 25th


To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else,...For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” - Luke 18:9,14

Dear Lord, so often I see my salvation as something that happened to me in the distant past.  It's like I live as though I used to need grace, but now, well, I have grown so much and learned so much that I just need a little help with this or that problem, especially the problem of getting everyone else to be as good as me.  Ha Ha.  What a foolish thought! I need your redeeming, saving grace today just as much as the day I first received it.  Oh, Jesus, save me today and every day from the silly selfish way I struggle with pet sins, especially the sin of self-righteousness.

 "Perhaps before you start confessing your sins you should start by confessing your self-righteousness." - Paul David Tripp