Monday, September 24th


"Cast all your cares on him because he cares for you." - 1 Peter 5:7

 Dear Lord, sometimes I think I am all alone carrying the many concerns I have.  I forget that you are near me and want me to give them to you.  I see in Scripture how you often put people in impossible situations so they would have to look for you to get your help.  I think of the parting of the Red sea or the disciples in the boat during a squall on the Sea of Galilee.  They had no choice but to let go of fear and beg you to be God for them.  Well, I am begging you to be God for me.  Fix those relationships.  Take care of that legal entanglement.  Protect my kids from the lost world that attracts their hearts from you.  Help our church come together in grace and joy and to stay on mission for your name's sake and for the sake of the lost.  Here, take all my concerns and be my God and Savior.  And make me gentle since I don't have the stress of carrying everything alone anymore.  AMEN

 "We carry no needs by ourselves. So, don't act like you are all alone."