For I desire steadfast love (mercy) and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings. - Hosea 6:6
Dear Jesus,
You quoted this Old Testament passage at least twice in your ministry that we know about. It’s a personal core value for you. You want us to show mercy as much as we joyfully receive it. It’s so easy to bask in your mercy but throw the law at others. Please, free me from my tendency to punish others with silence, or criticism while enjoying your forgiveness. Bring to mind all those that I have been criticizing in my heart and help me to see them close by my side in the shadow of your cross. Make me forget their wrongs by remembering your love. Make the miracle of restoration happen in our relationships. Give me the power to treat them as if they have been the greatest blessing to me.
We were born deficient of mercy. Only Christ can transfuse it into our souls.
Additional Readings: Matthew 18:21-35, Matthew 9:12-14, Matthew 12:1-14