If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. - Romans 14:8
Dear Lord, being honest, I would have to admit that all day long I am tempted to measure my happiness by whether I am getting my way or not. I unconsciously ask myself, "Did I get what I want or need?" This verse is a game changer. I belong to you. I was made by you. I was purchased back by you after I got lost. I belong to you. Therefore, I am not master of my own fate or captain of my own ship. Actually, this makes me feel safe and secure even if my life in this world is non-descript or even hard. Knowing that I belong to you also binds me to a purpose higher than my own desires. I live for you and I die for you. Help me to live for you as for an audience of One. Restore to me the happiness of a life well lived for the One who lived well for me. AMEN
Most of our unhappiness is caused by our self-centeredness and self-pity, not by the people or circumstances around us. That's good news because with God's help we can choose to be happy at any moment.
Additional Readings: Philippians 1:12-26, Romans 15:1-13