Further up and further in: Acts 4, Acts 8, Romans 13
1 Peter 2:13-14 – Submit to every human authority because of the Lord, whether to the emperor as the supreme authority or to governors as those who punish those who do evil and praise those who do what is good.
Lord Jesus, this is hard one because I don’t always like my rulers. I don’t always like what they’re doing. I don’t always like what they stand for. I don’t like it that they’re silent when I think they should speak up. It makes it hard for me to submit to these rulers and leaders when I disagree with them, sometimes quite vehemently. Yet, Lord, you tell me to submit. You tell me to obey them unless they tell me to disobey you. You even tell me to honor and respect them. Your Word says this. My heart says no. The way that I speak about these leaders betray my heart and show the disrespect that I have for them. The way that I act toward my leaders betray my heart and show the disrespect that I have for them. Oh Lord, these men and women sit in these positions because you put them there. They rule in your place and are given by your for my good. You’ve given these leaders to us for our good, because you love me. Help me to honor them as your servants. Help me to respect them as such. Help me do it because of you and because of your great love for me. Amen.