So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good. - 1 Peter 4:19
Dear Heavenly Father, I spend my whole life trying to avoid suffering. If I feel pain, I do whatever I can to get rid of it. If I sense a conflict in a relationship I tend to shrink back to protect myself from emotional pain. If I see struggle and work coming my way, I think of how I can hurry up and get past it. I am naturally wired to avoid pain. And then you say in this verse, "those who suffer according to God's will ..." How foreign the idea is to me that you would will my suffering. But for reasons that help me and others grow in life, you lead me into suffering. I believe it. That's what your word tells me. Help me to continue having a good attitude even in suffering, to continue to do all the good I can for others even in suffering and to continue to glorify your name even in suffering. By your Holy Spirit give me the same maturity about suffering that your Son had when he willingly took up the cross for me. AMEN
"Job's suffering was "good" in God's eyes because it taught the devil a lesson. I wonder what my suffering is teaching him."