As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.” Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” - Luke 9:57-58
Dear Jesus, you lived your whole earthly life without ever settling down and making it home. You weren't at home. Home for you is heaven where all the angels praise you and understand the grandeur of your love and holiness. Our dimwitted human race sees you only through the fog of our fallen reason. How could you ever feel at home among us when we struggle so much to "get" you? But you still came and loved us perfectly. You left home to love lost souls. Help me to leave my "den" to love lost souls just as you did. If my comforts keep me from saving a soul I will despise that comfort. Relive your life through me until my last breath here. Then I will be home with you. AMEN
"Home for me is where Jesus lives in all his glory. So, no matter where I roam here on earth, it will never be home. I am content here however, because I am headed home."