Monday, October 1st


"We boast in the hope of the glory of God." - Romans 5:2

 Dear Lord, most of the time we look back and find things to boast about.  I like how you make us look forward to heaven in this verse.  We haven't seen anything yet!  What we will be and what we will get in heaven will be amazing.  We will talk about it for centuries.  Since we know that heaven is real, help us to live in hope.  When I am tempted to look back at glory days, help me to be thankful but to remember that the best is yet to come. And Jesus, I glory in heaven for just one reason: you paid my ticket to fly there when all my earthly glory fades.  Thanks for giving me a hope I cannot lose.  AMEN

"Jesus has given us a hope that cannot be outshined by earthly glories or overwhelmed by earthly darkness."