Anything Short of Sin


1 Corinthians 8-9, 2 Chronicles 22-24

1 Corinthians 9:12 – Nevertheless, we have not made use of this right, but we endure anything rather than put an obstacle in the way of the gospel of Christ.

Lord Jesus, your gospel is so important to me.  The message of your death and resurrection, the message of the full and free forgiveness of sins, the victory of your cross and empty tomb – it is everything to me.  It fills me with hope and peace.  It sets me free from guilt and from the burden of expectations.  It gives me confidence and joy.  It is my everything.  And I want everyone to know it. More than anything, I want everyone to hear it, to believe it, and to live – really live – because of it.  And that’s why I want to give up my rights.  I have the right to do whatever I want.  As long as it is isn’t sin, I can do anything.  But like Paul, I want to give up my rights so that people will hear the gospel.  Paul had the right to get a paycheck from the Corinthians, but he gave up that right so that nothing would get in the way of the gospel.  He was willing and even eager to put up with anything and abdicate all of his rights so that nothing would get in the way of the gospel.  Lord God, more and more, give me the heart of Paul.  Yes, give me your heart so that I will not let my “rights” get in the way of the preaching of the gospel. Lord Jesus, you had the right to demand that all people bow down to you.  But you gave up that right so that you might die for me.  Paul was like you in this.  He gave up his right to demand a paycheck so that he might preach the gospel.  Give me a heart like Paul so that I am willing to die to myself and to my rights.  Give me a heart like Jesus so that I don’t care if people bow to me, but want them to bow to you.  Lord Jesus, your gospel is everything for the world.  Help me to do whatever it takes short of sin to get the gospel to people.  Amen.