You are Not your Own


1 Corinthians 7, 2 Chronicles 18-20

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 – You are not your own, for you were bought at a price.  So honor God with your body.

1 Corinthians 7:23 – You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men.

Lord God, this simple truth fills me with joy and sets me free to live for you: “You are not your own; you were bought at a price.”  What an amazing thing, Lord God, that you would give up your only Son for me that I might belong to you.  His life-blood is the price for me and for my salvation.  He gave up his life so that I might have a life with you now on earth and forever in heaven.  I belong to you.  And now, I get to live out my life for you.  Because I belong to you, Lord God, I am absolutely free to live in a way that honors you.  Lord God, help me to live this way.  Help me to remember that I am yours as I go about my day today.  Help me to live in a way that says, “I am a child of the one true King and I belong to him.” The subjects of the kings always live and act in a way that glorifies the king.  So, Lord, help me to live, act, speak, and even think in a way that honors and glorifies you.  Lord God, help me live in a free way too.  Keep from my heart the burdens and the pressures that others would lay upon me.  The burden and the pressure to be, think, or live in a way that conforms to their idea of Christianity.  Your way and your will is the only one that matters.  I am not a slave of men. I am yours.  I will serve you alone.  Keep my heart from the burdens and pressures that I would place upon myself.  You have removed all burdens and pressure from me by your death on the cross.  You have given me joyful freedom to serve you.  All this because I belong to you!  Lord God, you set me free to live for you in your kingdom.  Now, help me to live for you.  Amen.