Matthew 26:36-75, 1 Chronicles 21-23
1 Chronicles 22:19 – Now, set your mind and heart to seek the LORD, your God.
Lord God, there are so many things calling for my attention today. All of them want me to seek them. Fame, attention, and popularity call for my attention. It would be easy for me to live out my day chasing for a reputation. Money, property, and a cushy life calls for my attention. It would be easy for me to seek out another dime, another dollar, all to have a better life. There are so many things that would have me chase them. Lord God, teach me to seek you first and you alone. Help me to set my heart and mind on you and on you alone. Turn my thoughts to you, Lord Jesus, where you are seated at the right hand of God. There my life, my real life, is hidden with you. Turn my heart to you and to the riches and treasures that I have in you, O Jesus. Turn me to you that I may seek first you and your righteousness. Then, all these other things will be added to me as well. But they won’t matter because I already have the biggest, the best, and the most important. Help me to do what David called his son, Solomon to do. Amen.