Beautiful Offering

Matthew 26:1-35, 1 Chronicles 17-20

Matthew 26:16, 18 – For she has done a beautiful thing to me… In pouring out this ointment on me, she has done it to prepare me for my burial.

Lord God, you love the offerings that your people give to you in faith.  It may seem strange to some that I would give offerings to my church, but you love the offerings that come from my cheerful heart.  It may seem strange to some that I would show kindness to the outcast and the alien, but you love the way that I show your love to the world.  You love what I do for you in faith. Take my time this week and use it for your glory.  Take my money and help me to use it in a way that seeks first your kingdom whether I am buying lunch or supporting the poor.  Take my energy this week and use it for you and your purposes, that I may pour myself out for you and not for me.  Take my time this week and help me to use it in a way that honors you and your will.  Take all that I am, all that you’ve given me, all the strength that I posses, and all the time that I have and receive it as a beautiful offering in your sight. Whatever is sin this week, forgive it.  Whatever is sinfully motivated it, cleanse it.  Whatever is good, receive it Lord as an offering, beautiful in your sight.  Amen.