Matthew 10:30 – Fear not, therefore, you are of more value than many sparrows.
Lord Jesus, you are teaching your disciples some tough truths about following you, especially those who want to follow you in full-time ministry. You gave clear instructions to your disciples about what their mission work would entail. You told them what to do and what to expect as they went out. Truthfully, as I read this chapter of Matthew, you placed before them a grim picture of what to expect as they went out into the world. You almost seem to say to them that they would not be valued in the world. And we see that so clearly today. We place a premium value on sports figures and pop stars, but the value we place on pastors and missionaries is sinking in the world’s eyes. Lord God, today I thank you for those who serve me with the gospel. I thank you for those who have devoted their lives to serve me with the gospel. They are your gift to me. I thank you for my church body. I thank you for those who watch over my pastor and guard him from false teaching. I thank you for those who shepherd my pastor, to feed his soul and build him up. I thank you for my pastor. Help all those who devote their lives to public ministry know how valued they are to you. The world may neither receive them nor value them. Sometimes I do not either. But, Lord Jesus, you do. Help them to know their true value is not in how they are treated. Help them to know that their true value is not how their work turns out. Help them to know that their value is assigned to them by you and it is truly great. You assigned a value to them - just as you did to me - that is greater than the life of your own, divine Son! Help them know and rejoice in this valuation from you. Amen.
The world may not assign much value to me and my work, but God has valued me above the life of his own Son.