Acts 22:30 – 23:35, 2 Samuel 5-7
2 Samuel 7:18 – Then King David went in and said, “Who am I LORD God, and what is my house, that you have brought me this far?”
Lord God, as I ponder who I am, I see more clearly than ever that I am but dust and ashes in your sight. I am but a spec. More than that, I am sinful through and through. You should just cast me to the side, and yet you don’t. You don’t consider me a spec. You don’t treat me as my sins deserve. Instead, Lord God, you reveal your word and your will to me. Instead, Lord God, you cleanse me of all my sins and call me yours! And even more than that, you have made astounding promises about my future. You are working in my life to provide for me an astounding future. You have plans for me, even if I don’t know exactly what those plans are. Just to know that you care enough about me to have plans for my future is so gracious! This is amazing Lord God! That would you speak to me in your Word. That you would save me by your Son. That would you plan out my days, each one of them! Thank you for your amazing grace! Amen.
God owes us nothing, but gives us everything.