Stay with me.

Proverbs 10:15-32, Psalm 70-71

Psalm 71:17-18 – O God, from my youth you have taught me, and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds. So, even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do no forsake me.

O God, you’ve been with me a long time now.  You were with me from the moment I was conceived. In fact, you were the one who, in that moment, began to shape and form me into the person that I am now.  You gave me my body and soul, my eyes and my ears; yes, you gave me all my members, mind, and all my abilities.  From the time I came out of my mother’s womb you have been my God; from that moment you have been by my side.  Yes, dear Lord, at my baptism you made me your own dear child and called me “yours.”  There and then you called me “my Loved one.”  Throughout all the years since that day, you have stayed by my side. Though I have had peaks and valleys, you have remained constant and steady.  Though I have often wandered, strayed and then come back again, you have consistently and constantly chased me down to bring me back.  O God, from my youth you have been my God.  I pray, you dear Lord Jesus, stay by me forever and watch me I pray.  Stay with me and stay by my side so that in my last breath I cry out for you, “Lord Jesus, receive me by your blood into your kingdom.  Remember me today.” Make that last breath, dear Jesus, not one of desperation but of confidence because I know your answer, “Yes, today you will be with me in paradise.”  I long for that day, dear Jesus.  Stay with me until I reach that final breath and cross the finish line where you will give me the crown of life. Stay with me and help me. I can’t make it without you.  Amen.