Psalm 16:5-6 – The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.
Lord God, I can’t imagine what it’s like to have a life constantly in flux. For 45 years the Israelites had been regularly on the move. Regularly they had to pack up their things to relocate to a new piece of land, a place that the Lord led them. I can’t imagine what a relief it was to finally settle down and to hear you announce land and property that was theirs. What a new sense of stability and safety in their life – truly a gift from you! Lord God, you have already given me all this. I have a house that I call my home. Though some people do, I have never lived a day in my life without a steady roof over my head. You’ve given me property and possessions, house and home, wife and children, friends and companions, even work and play that you let me call “mine.” What a gift! The boundary lines for my life have truly fallen in pleasant places. I am truly blessed; people would even say it of me. And more than that steady earthly things, you have given me yourself! You have been and always be the one true constant in my life. You were there before I was born. You will be there when I am old and gray. You will be my God into all eternity. And when I have you, dear Lord, I have everything. Keep me from getting too attached and too settled here on earth. Keep me from getting too tied up with life here so that I forget about the life that you have given me with you. For when I have you, I really do have all I need. You alone are my true and lasting portion and inheritance. Amen.