Luke 18:1-30, Deuteronomy 10-11
Luke 18:1 – And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart.
Dear Father, in heaven. You invite me to pray without stopping ever. You invite me to keep asking you and not to give up. Your Son even tells this parable about a widow who keeps badgering the unjust judge. And you are far better than he is! You’re showing me that you want me to badger and pester you with my prayers as if I were an annoying gnat. I know that I am not a gnat, but a son. What an amazing thing! You are not annoyed or bothered by my badgering prayers. And yet I am such a poor prayer. I find myself easily distracted by to-do lists and activities happening around me. My mind drifts during prayer even when I’m praying out loud. I find myself praying once or twice about a thing and then letting it go. I am a far cry from the bold and badgering prayer that you invite me to be. Forgive me and show me how open I can be in my prayers. Father, there is nothing at all in heaven or earth about which I can’t talk to you. Forgive me and remind me how persistent and badgering I can truly be in my prayers. You never get tired of hearing from me about anything. Nothing is too small for me to pray about. I will not give up in my prayers, Father, because you do not quit on me. Amen.