Psalm 57:7-9 – My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast! I will sing and make melody! Awake, my soul! Awake, o harp and lyre! I will awaken the dawn! I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the peoples, I will sing praise to you among the nations.
Lord God, these are amazing words. David was running from Saul, hiding in caves, ducking and dodging just keep his life. It was a life on the run for not a single just reason. And yet David sings! And yet David calls on his heart and his guitar to get to playing and making music. And yet David give thanks and praises you, O God. Lord, give me such a firmly rooted heart that even though thunder rolls and troubles roar that I will sing. It’s hard, Lord. When the world and the nations are in such an uproar, when the life around me is constantly in flux, when things seem to go more wrong than right, it’s hard for me to sing praise. So much is uncertain, unsure. And yet, you, O Lord are sure and certain. You are as immoveable as an oak tree firmly established in good soil. Hurricane may blow through and knock down some branches, but it remains unmoved because it’s roots are deep. Make me as firm and unmovable as this oak tree. Set down my roots into you, who never change. You remain the same yesterday, today, and forever. Set down my faith into your promises, which are as sure today as they were yesterday. Establish me on the rock solid foundation of your power and presence, which can keep me from blowing away when the winds of trouble and trial blow. Then, teach me to sing while the thunder rolls. I will give you thank for you alone are my refuge and strength. I will sing for you are my strength and my song; you alone are my salvation. Amen.