Galatians 1, Exodus 17-19
Exodus 18:18 – You and the people with you will certainly wear yourselves out, for the thing is too heavy for you. You are not able to do it alone.
Dear Father in heaven, you are so wise and so good. You knew that it was not a good thing for Adam to be alone so you gave him Eve. You knew that it was not good for children to be alone so you put them in families with parents. You knew that it was not good for your people to live in isolation from each other and to be islands of faith, all alone in their walk of faith, so you put them in communities of faith. You knew that the work of caring for and leading these communities of faith was not a one-man job, so you wisely and lovingly provide what is need to care for and lead your people. Moses couldn’t handle it and neither can my pastor. You wisely gave good advice to Moses through Jethro, advice that still rings true today. Father in heaven, be with my pastor. Give him rest and refreshment in his labor. Give him wisdom and insight as he leads, tends, and teaches his flock. Help him help me. Father, I also ask, help me to find and fill my place in the body so that I can be one who holds up his arms and supports him in the work. Help me find and fill my place in the body as one who also takes care of and tends the others you have gathered into the body. You never intended that one would do all the work of leading, tending, and teaching the whole flock. I have a part to fill. Help my pastor help me. Help me help my pastor. Amen.