Psalm 25:14 – The secret counsel of the LORD is for those who fear him, and he makes to them his covenant.
Lord God, you have laid out your Word clearly and explicitly for the world to hear, to read, to learn, and to be saved. Yet, to many it remains a closed book. The things in it are not comprehensible to them or believable by them. I pray, Lord, open their ears and hearts that they may hear, understand, believe and so be saved. Use me, Lord God, to bring your Word to them and to make it plain to them so that by your Spirit they may believe. I pray also, Lord God, continue to make your Word clear to me. Give me insight, understanding, and most of all faith. Open my ears that when I read and study your Word I may hear your voice. Open my heart that when I hear your voice I might believe and live. You have given your Word to me. You have made it clear to me. Continue to do this for me that I may remain a child of God for all eternity. Amen.