
John 16:5-33, Isaiah 9-11

Isaiah 9:13 – The people did not inquire of him who struck them, nor inquire of the LORD of hosts.

Lord God, we can be so arrogant.  I know I can be.  I tend to take primary credit when credit is yours alone.  I even take the blame, when truly the work is yours there too – you have chosen in love to withhold success.  I often fail to humble myself in repentance under your mighty hand.  Forgive me Lord for the pride of my heart.  Forgive me for thinking too highly of my plans, my work, my effort.  The glory is truly yours always.  You work.  You serve.  You forgive.  Yours is the power.  Yours is the wisdom.  Yours is the glory. Yours is the honor. Now and forever.  Help me to honor you in my heart, in my mind, with my strength and my song.  Amen.