Isaiah 8:13 – But the LORD of hosts, him you shall honor as holy. Let him be your fear, and let him be your dread.
Lord God, you sit on heaven’s high throne, full of glory and power. The vision of you in your throne room, clothed in glory is awesome and awe-inspiring. I stand in awe of you. But in just a minute I will get busy with my day and soon I will be consumed with and concerned about daily life. In just a little while I will fear for the future, for my finances, even for my safety. In just a little bit I will be worried about what people think about me or what they’ll do to me. But God, with these words you correct and redirect me. You turn my gaze from these little, powerless, temporary things to the huge, powerful, and eternal things. I have in you a big God who loves me and controls all things. Help me to stand in awe of you all day long. Help me to honor you above all things in my life. You deserve it! Amen.