James 4:14-15 – What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If the LORD wills, we will live and do this or that.”
Lord God, I am just a mist. I’m here for a moment and then I’m gone. Help me to live and act and move and plan according to your will. Make my life about what you want instead of about what I want. Make my life about making the word of God known. People – including me – are like grass of the field; here today and tomorrow thrown into the fire. But the message that you’ve given me to share, that Word, your Word endures forever. Fix my eyes on that one unchanging and everlasting gift you’ve given to us. Focus my life’s work on passion on that enduring Word to my wife, my children, my church, and my community. Help me point people there. Help me point people to your love and your unchanging Word. Then, then, Lord I will do something that lasts beyond me. Amen.