

Mark 10:32-52, Jeremiah 52

Mark 10:47 – And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.”

Lord Jesus, have mercy on me.  I am helpless in so many ways.  I am helpless in the face of your judgment because your judgment is right and I am a sinner.  I am helpless in the life that live because even though I think I have control over my health, my wallet, or any other part of my life, I really have no control; control is but an illusion.  I am helpless in every part of my life.  Lord Jesus, have mercy me.  I am but a beggar. I am thoroughly a sinner. Have mercy, Lord Jesus, and save me from my sin. Have mercy, Lord Jesus, and forgive me. Have mercy, Lord, and give me health, and strength, and pleasures and joy. Have mercy, Lord, and guide me in the path that leads to eternal life.  Have mercy Lord Jesus, have mercy.  Amen.