Tuesday, December 20th

“But the angel said to here, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God.  You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.  He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High.  The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.”  Luke 1:30-33

Dear Jesus, Your mom didn’t need a baby name book.  God had already decided your name that would describe your life, “The Lord Saves.”  Your greatness can’t be denied.  Two billion of us believe you saved us.  Your name is all over the planet and you have to be the most quoted and misquoted man that ever lived.  And to think you never once wrote down your own words.  I know you are reigning in believer’s hearts.  But I don’t see you visibly reigning anywhere else.  I trust that you are, however.  I trust that you are working everything out for the good of your people no matter what country they are in.  It gives me peace when I think of our bi-partisan congress or the Korean threat or a hundred other haunting reports.  You have saved us from our sins and you will save us from our troubles.  Help me to live in the peace that comes from your firm grip on my life.  Amen.

Jesus gave up so much to save us, he’s not going to let us slip away from him because of some bani-rooster government snafu. 

Monday, December 19th

“Then Jesus told them this parable: ‘Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them.  Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?  And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home.  Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’  I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.’”  Luke 15: 3-7

Dear Jesus, How you love to see people brought home to you by coming to faith in your truth and love.  How you long for each lost soul to realize they are lost and recognize you have come to rescue them.  Teach me the supernatural value of every human soul so I stop smugly judging people and instead I reach out to them with truth and love.  I want to rejoice with you over their return to grace like you and your angels.  The lingering disappointment I have with their failures and mine often hampers me from joining the heavenly party.  Oh Jesus, make me a champion of grace and not law.  Amen.

It’s hard to judge people that you long to see in heaven with you.

Saturday, December 17th

“But if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed but let him glorify God in having that name.”      1 Peter 4:16

Lord Jesus, I wear your name, loudly and proudly.  You called me to be yours at my baptism.  You marked me as your child and proudly announce to the world that I am yours.  You are not ashamed of me.  You are not ashamed to call me your child.  I pray, fill my heart with confidence and boldness to call you my God and my Father.  You have done gracious and merciful things for me, more than I can count or number.  Make me proud and even joyful to bear your name into this world.  Amen.

Friday, December 16th

“I am the vine; you are the branches.  If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”  John 15:5

Dear Jesus, If I don’t stay connected to you by the word of God and prayer I will soon wither under the drought of my times.  There is so much to suck the energy and interest out of my soul.  I need to hear from your word every day.  I need to know you are with me, sustaining me, teaching me and loving me.  I need daily forgiveness and peace.  I need you to be the God of my soul.  These words really grab me, “apart from me you can do nothing.”  They sweep away my stubborn independence.  I need you to produce in me the blessed life that blesses others or else I will become a useless self-serving creature.  Oh Jesus, keep me connected to you and do not let me go.  Amen.

We were made to receive spiritual power from God not the other way around. 

Thursday, December 15th

“Let none of you suffer as a murderer, a thief, an evildoer, or a meddler.”  1 Peter 4:15

Lord Jesus, Sometimes when I suffer, my pain is justly and rightly deserved.  I often suffer with the consequences of my sin.  And sometimes other people mistreat me because I’ve been a jerk, because I haven’t been kind and gentle.  Sometimes I suffer their unkind words because I’ve been unkind to them.  Lord Jesus, when suffering comes, help me to repent of my sin where it is revealed to me.  Keep me humble and gentle to receive correction when it is given.  Suffering because I’ve been sinful is nothing to rejoice in.  Suffering because of sin is a time to repent and find relief and refreshment in your forgiveness.  Lord Jesus, keep me from sinning that my light for you might shine brightly.  Yet, when I do sin, dear Savior, lead me to quickly repent of my sin to find solace in you alone.  Amen.

Wednesday, December 14th

Whoever heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray.”  Proverbs 10:17

Dear Jesus, Help me oh God, to open my heart to correction and teaching that guides my otherwise misguided ways.  I want to be led so I can lead others by example.  But I must let you teach me.  It’s easy to fall into a smug self-gratifying thought that I have arrived and am above instruction.  Forgive me for that blind pride that makes me feel like I have little to learn.  Help me to reduce my entertainment and busyness enough to sit and listen to your word and learn from the people you have put in my life to teach me.  I know that I am a forgiven child of God and my prayer is that knowing this will give me the humility to keep learning from others every day.  Amen.

Tuesday, December 13th

“If you are ridiculed for the name of Christ, you are blessed because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.”  1 Peter 4:14

Lord Jesus, I am not always content with the circumstances and conditions of my life.  It seems I can always find something to complain about, something about my life that doesn’t make me happy.  Lord Jesus, since that’s true, how in the world am I going to find contentment and blessing when I’m laughed at for being your follower!?!  Lord Jesus, when suffering comes to me because of your name and because I’m confessing you, help me to realize what this means.  Help me to remember that I’m suffering because I’m yours.  The devil can’t stand to see me in your grasp and will make my life full of trouble to drive me out of your arms.  I’m suffering because he’s after me.  Help me to remember that I’m suffering because the world as a whole does not love you.  I’m suffering because I stand out as your follower in this sin-darkened world.  Help me to remember who I am.  And then, dear Lord, help me to realize and remember the blessedness of resting in your mercy and grace.  Help me to find joy in suffering for you.  Amen.

Monday, December 12th

“Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.”   Proverbs 10:9

Dear Heavenly Father, I know you see the chasm between what I am and what I think I am.  Help me to bring those two together through honest reflection, repentance and reformation.  I want to have integrity but it’s painful to admit my failings.  Sometimes, I catch myself thinking falsely about things and it scares me.  Don’t let me lie to myself, to you or to anybody.  You want people to worship you in spirit and in truth (John 4) and I love you so much.  I want to be someone whom you can trust.  Thank you for being my rock when I am wavering.  Now, guide me to live honestly, good, and righteous in my dealings with everyone.  Amen.

Honesty is painful, pure and refreshing all at the same time. 

Saturday, December 10th

“Dear friends, don’t be surprised when the fiery ordeal comes among you to test you as if something unusual were happening to you.  Instead, rejoice as you share in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may also rejoice with great joy when his glory is revealed.”  1 Peter 4:12-13

Lord God, I am often surprised when hardship and trouble comes to me.  I am often caught off guard by the reaction that people have to me as a Christian.  But I shouldn’t be.  If people reacted to you, and even hated you, Lord Jesus, why would it be any different for me, a simple follower?  If people turned on you and even crucified you, why would I expect that they would all love me and receive me with welcome arms?  If they rejected your message, they will often reject mine.  If they turned on you, they will often turn on me.  Lord Jesus, when suffering and rejection comes to me because of your name give me joy because I’m suffering with you.  More than that, Lord Jesus, help me see and remember the joy that is set before me, an eternity of heaven with you.  Keep me from being surprised.  Rather, help me to find joy in suffering for you.  Amen.

Friday, December 9th

“Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance.”  Titus 2:2

Dear Jesus, It’s hard to admit, but I no longer can view this passage as your injunction to me as a young pastor to teach older men how to live.  It seems that in almost no time I have become one of the “older men.”  Now these six attributes of a mature Christian man are directly applicable to me.  You want me to be temperate, that is calm and gentle.  You want me to live worthy of respect, to curb my passions and resist the temptation to be lazy or crazy in my ways.  You want me trusting firmly in your word and not wavering with doubt.  You want me to love people deeply instead of withdrawing into myself.  And you want me to endure hardship with a reliant hope in your deliverance.  That is, you want me to recognize that my anxieties are often self-inflicted.  I get what you want and it helps me some.  But without your presence I will utterly fail.  I need you to give me the strength to live above my sinful nature.  Help me Lord Jesus to live the godly life you call for.  Be my Savior and my sanctifier.  Amen.

Only God can use godly people.

Thursday, December 8th

“To him be the glory and the power forever and ever.  Amen.”  1 Peter 4:11

Lord God, So often when I’m doing things I’m wondering to myself:  How are people going to think about me?  What will they think of me if I do this?  I ask:  What will people think of me if I don’t do this?  I do and say so many things in my life that are motivated by the opinions and thoughts of people.  Not only is it impossible to make everyone happy, but this is also chasing the wrong applause and seeking the praise of the wrong name.  I do so many things to make my name great.  Dear Father, hallowed be your name, not mine.  Help me to hear your divine applause flowing from my baptism.  Help me to remember that through Jesus I am already wholly and completely pleasing in your sight.  And then, dear Father, with your full approval, help me to serve so that people praise you and give glory to your name.  All that I do is empowered by your strength.  Let is also be done for your glory!  Amen.

Wednesday, December 7th

If anyone serves, let it be from the strength God provides so that God may be glorified through Jesus Christ in everything.”  1 Peter 4:11

Lord God, You have really high expectations for me.  You tell me exactly how you want me to behave and how you want me to serve my neighbor.  Jesus, in your Sermon from the Mount, you tell me to turn the other cheek, to love your enemies, to give your clock and the shirt off your back to others, even to go the extra mile in service to other people.  The bar is high and sometimes I don’t even want to do it.  More than that, I don’t have the strength in me to give and to give and to give like you ask.  My cup is empty and my strength dries up.  Lord God, give me strength to keep on servicing.  Fill up my cup by your Spirit so that I can serve other people day after day, time after time.  Create a steadfast spirit in me and renew me daily.  Satisfy me with your unfailing love.  And give me your strength so that day after day, hour after hour, I can serve and give and love.  Amen.

Our service to other people is neither for ourselves nor from ourselves.  Our service is for our neighbor.  Our service (and our strength for service) is from God.

Tuesday, December 6th

Jesus replied, 'Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching.  My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.’”  John 14:23

Dear Jesus, I know you didn’t mean that I would perfectly obey your teaching.  As hard as I try I can’t.  Everyone I know fails too.  But you did mean I would honestly attempt to obey your teaching, that I would open my heart to rebuke, to correction and to change, even with it was a challenge.  You meant I would make you “number one” in my life and lose all, even family and friends in order to obey you.  You meant I would be clear headed and mature about my failings.  You meant I would watch what I said and apologize when I messed up.  You meant I would witness to others and carefully listen to them as well.  You meant that love would be the gas in my soul tank and faith would be the oil.  Oh Jesus, help me love you and obey you from the heart.  You are my loving Savior.  What else would I want to do?  Amen.

God gives insight and wisdom to those who trust his word and honestly seek to follow it. 

Monday, December 5th

“Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings.”  Psalm 17:8

Dear Heavenly Father, I remember how wonderful it made me feel as a small child when my parents would show me special attention.  I can still feel their hugs.  Encouraging words that were said years ago still hang in the walls of my heart like trophies.  When they were there to see me shine on the athletic field, the game always took on more meaning.  Even their loving discipline is a memory I cherish.  Now I read this prayer from the psalmist who asks you to keep him as the apple of your eye.  You are our heavenly Father and you count each one of us as precious in your sight.  We are the apple of your eye.  I still feel like a nobody at times on this lost planet.  It fills my life with meaning when I read in your word that you give me special attention.  All I ask is that you keep me as the apple of your eye and hide me in the shadow of your wings.  I need the security of your love to face dehumanizing health struggles and calloused disregard from people.  Your attention by your Holy Spirit to guide, correct and comfort me make me feel the way I did when my parents hugged me.  In your mercy, keep me as the apple of your eye.  Amen.

God’s attention is always on his children.

Saturday, December 3rd

“If anyone speaks, let it be as one who speaks God’s words.”  1 Peter 4:11

Lord God, When you speak to your people you do not speak weakly so that there is doubt about what you mean or what you want.  You speak forcefully and demand that people listen.  You speak clearly so that there is no doubt about what you mean.  You speak gently so that we hear and believe what you say.  Lord God, you have planted in me your Word of truth.  You have opened your Scriptures to me and continue to do so every single day.  When I speak your words, make me sure of your Word and make my words bold.  Make my words clear.  Make my words gentle.  Put your Word in my mouth so that when I speak it is as if you are speaking.  And then Lord, make me bold and proud to speak your Word.  Because I am not speaking about me or words that come from my imagination, these are your words.  This is your truth.  Through faith and by your Word, you have made me your mouthpiece.  Help me to speak as one who speaks God’s words because your words are the only words worth sharing.  Amen.

When we speak God’s Word, there is no room for timidity.  His Word is like a fire and hammer.

Friday, December 2nd

This is what the LORD says-your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: ‘I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.” Isaiah 48:17

Dear Heavenly Father, How it must hurt you to see people without faith or knowledge of your word, teaching others how to think and live.  You shout from the rooftop of the Bible, “I am your Redeemer and I teach you what’s best for you.”  I’ve come to trust your word more than any other life manual on the planet.  It teaches me about the power of purity, the freedom of forgiveness, the clarity of the divine law of love, the right way to resolve conflict and the way to have hope in the darkest days.  Your word is my soul manual.  Help me to believe this enough to open it every day and read from its pages.  Give me a hunger for your word that outweighs my hunger for all other things.  Help me experience the full life you promise for those who personally feed on your word.  Amen.

God’s word can get rid of all spiritual hungriness. 

Thursday, December 1st

“The Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.”  Deuteronomy 7:6

Dear Heavenly Father, I know you first said this to your people, Israel, in Old Testament times.  But you have also taught us that in Christ you have chosen us to be your treasured possession since eternity (Ephesians 1).  It makes me feel so loved and safe to know that you chose you me before I could have done anything to earn or lose your approval.  I know that in grace you chose me still.  It’s your choosing love that sustains my faith in you even in hard times.  I am your treasured possession.  You will not let me go.  You have my name written in heaven.  So, even when I suffer here, I know that you are with me and you are guiding my life in blessedness.  You will work everything for my good, because I am yours.  Amen.

Belonging to God make’s one’s life complete. 

Wednesday, November 30th

“Above all, maintain constant love for another, since love covers a multitude of sins.”                 1 Peter 4:8

Lord God, Sometimes it would be so much easier to be a hermit in a mountain hut.  Then I wouldn’t have to deal with people.  People hurt me so much.  Sometimes the people closest to me hurt me the most.  The people under my own roof, who share a house with me often hurt me deepest.  And it makes it hard for me to love them without conditions, without animosity, without a grumble in my heart.  Lord God, today help me to love them the way you love me.  And keep this love welling up in me like a gushing spring.  Help me, in love, to confront their sin where love requires confrontation.  Help me, to overlook the way they hurt me and to cover it up, when love requires that I bear with their weaknesses.  Help me, most of all, to forgive them for the things that they do to me.  Help me, teach me, yes, compel me to forgive them the way you have forgiven me.  You have forgiven all my sins.  You have even forgotten them!  Help me to do the same with their sins.  Help me to bury their sins in the flood of your blood and in the depths of the earth so that they don’t come to mind anymore.  Amen.

Tuesday, November 29th

“Be hospitable to one another without complaining.”  1 Peter 4:9

Dear Father, You are so generous and hospitable to welcome us into your home and your family though we have no right to be welcomed in.  You welcomed us in dirty, sinful, and rebellious.  Yet, you opened your door to us and invited us in.  Then, dear Jesus, you got down on your hands and knees not just to wash our feet, but to cleanse our souls.  You gave us clothes to wear, holy and righteous clothes, clothing fit for a king’s banquet.  You invited and still do invite us to share in all your blessings.  In your love for us you show hospitality unlike any other.  Lord God, help me to show this same hospitality to the family of believers.  Help me to give generously.  Teach me to share all that you’ve given me without complaining and without holding it back as if it were mine.  You’ve given me all that I have so that I might share it and use it to serve other people.  Lord God, by your hospitality and kindness, inspire me to be hospitable and kind just like you are.  Amen.

Hospitality is the art of serving other people the way that Jesus served us. 

Monday, November 28th

“Above all, maintain constant love for another, since love covers a multitude of sins.”                 1 Peter 4:8

Lord God, Sometimes it would be so much easier to be a hermit in a mountain hut.  Then I wouldn’t have to deal with people.  People hurt me so much.  Sometimes the people closest to me hurt me the most.  The people under my own roof, who share a house with me often hurt me deepest.  And it makes it hard for me to love them without conditions, without animosity, without a grumble in my heart.  Lord God, today help me to love them the way you love me.  And keep this love welling up in me like a gushing spring.  Help me, in love, to confront their sin where love requires confrontation.  Help me, to overlook the way they hurt me and to cover it up, when love requires that I bear with their weaknesses.  Help me, most of all, to forgive them for the things that they do to me.  Help me, teach me, yes, compel me to forgive them the way you have forgiven me.  You have forgiven all my sins.  You have even forgotten them!  Help me to do the same with their sins.  Help me to bury their sins in the flood of your blood and in the depths of the earth so that they don’t come to mind anymore.  Amen.