“Above all, maintain constant love for another, since love covers a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:8
Lord God, Sometimes it would be so much easier to be a hermit in a mountain hut. Then I wouldn’t have to deal with people. People hurt me so much. Sometimes the people closest to me hurt me the most. The people under my own roof, who share a house with me often hurt me deepest. And it makes it hard for me to love them without conditions, without animosity, without a grumble in my heart. Lord God, today help me to love them the way you love me. And keep this love welling up in me like a gushing spring. Help me, in love, to confront their sin where love requires confrontation. Help me, to overlook the way they hurt me and to cover it up, when love requires that I bear with their weaknesses. Help me, most of all, to forgive them for the things that they do to me. Help me, teach me, yes, compel me to forgive them the way you have forgiven me. You have forgiven all my sins. You have even forgotten them! Help me to do the same with their sins. Help me to bury their sins in the flood of your blood and in the depths of the earth so that they don’t come to mind anymore. Amen.