time of grace

I'm alive!

Romans 2, Isaiah 37-39

Isaiah 38:19 – The living, the living, he thanks you, as I do to this day; the father makes known to the children your faithfulness.

Lord God, Hezekiah sure had some reasons to praise you.  You had delivered him and his whole city by sending your angel to decimate the Assyrian army.  You changed your plans for his life.  You gave him 15 more years after you had just told him that he needed to get his affairs in order.  In dramatic fashion you extended his time on this earth.  It’s not surprising that he praised you after such near death experiences.  Lord God, my life is just as much a gift.  In you and because of you I live and move and have my being.  There may be no near misses on my life, at least, none that I am of which I am aware.  And yet, my life is an amazing, astounding, and dramatic gift of your grace. You, O Lord, keep my light burning. You, Lord, turn my darkness into light.  This day is a gift of your grace.  Help me to live with the joy of Hezekiah, who had a brand new lease on life and burst out with thanks and praise. That’s what today is.  Help me to live like an organ transplant recipient – I’m alive because of your grace.  Help me to live like a car crash survivor – I’m alive because of your protection.  This day and my life is a gift of your grace.  Thank you!  Now, I can make you known to my kids and to many other people in my life.  Amen.