


John 20-21, Isaiah 29-32

Isaiah 30:15 – For thus says the LORD God, the Holy One of Israel, “In repentance and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.”

Lord God, I’m sorry.  I’m just like the Israelites.  My worship is not always worship coming from my heart.  My work is not done trusting you.  My plans are made without relying on your counsel and blessing.  My heart turns to other places rather than to you.  Forgive me and give me rest in your saving name.  Teach me and create in me a new heart so that I find strength in quietness and trust.  Strength is found in you alone.  Teach me to rely on you in all that I do.  Teach me to trust in you in anything that I plan.  Turn me to you for counsel in all that I contemplate.  Then, trusting in you, my heart will rest.  Amen.