Tuesday, March 25th

Therefore, with your minds ready for action, be sober-minded and set your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”  1 Peter 1:13

Holy Spirit, Your Word is so practical.  It’s never just words on a page that I’m meant to know intellectually, like my math facts, figures and formulas.  it’s never just useless knowledge.  There is always a “therefore.”  There is always a very practical application of the truths that your Word unveils for me.  The promises and the truths that your Spirit has unveiled give me such hope and excitement for my future life on this earth and an even greater anticipation for the glories that you have stored up in heaven for me.  More than that with my heart filled with hope, these truths and promises give me a boldness and confidence to live my life for you.  Lord continue to strengthen and embolden my spirit that I may live for you.  Continue to compel and move me by these truths to spend myself for you.  Amen.