Saturday, March 22nd

“Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in your book and planned before a single one of them began.”  Psalm 139:16

Dear Father in heaven, As I look ahead at the year that is in front of me, I like to think that I have a grasp on what this year will bring.  This year is full of hopes and dreams for me.  It is also full of uncertainties that creep into my heart and are bringing fear into my heart.  It sometimes feels like all the balls of my life are thrown into the air all at once and I am left dashing back and forth trying to keep them from hitting the ground.  Father, I can’t handle that.  It’s too much.  What hope you give me when you tell me that you knew me before I was born, that you have written the story of my life before it began!  It’s amazing that you would care so much about me that you would lay out a plan for my life, that you would use everything in my life for my eternal good.  Lord, thank you for writing my story and for including me in your story of salvation.  Set my heart at rest knowing that you have good plans for me, plans to save me, to give me hope and a future.  Amen.