Friday, February 7th

Having said this, he showed them his hands and his side.  So the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord.  Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace be with you.  As the Father has sent me, I also send you.’“John 20:20-21

Dear Lord Jesus, you didn’t waste any time bringing comfort and joy to your disciples.  You didn’t leave them to huddle in fear “and sadness long.  You came to them that last night to show yourself to them, that you really were alive.  And then, immediately, you sent them out with the message of the resurrection, the message that raises the dead to life and releases them from being bound by sin and condemnation.  Dear Jesus, come to me today and pour out your Holy Spirit on me.  Fill me today again with the same resurrection joy that your disciples experienced when they saw you that first Easter.  Raise me up from the despair and darkness of Good Friday so that I might live in the brightness and life of Easter!  Then, send me out to raise the dead with the message I preach.  Keep me sending me and, I pray, send more and more people out with this message so that all the dead will live and believe in you.  Amen.