Saturday January 25th

“But Moses replied, ‘Are you jealous for my sake?  I wish that all the Lord’s people were prophets and that the Lord would put his Spirit on them!”  Numbers 11:29

Lord Jesus, Keeping sending your Spirit on me, on your people, and I pray raise up another generation of pastors.  Raise up people around me to take their place in the body of Christ to do their part and to fill their role.  I wish that all of the Lord’s people were full of zeal, of energy, of excitement and the Spirit to do your Work.  I wish that I had more of this myself.  And yet, I find myself lagging in zeal, discouraged and not always wanting to do the work you’ve given me to do.  I pray, pour out your spirit on your people, dear Lord, and raise us up to work together as the family of Christ.  I pray, send out your Spirit, on more men and women who would answer to the call to serve as pastors and teachers.  The harvest is ripe, O Spirit.  Raise up workers in this world.  And more than that, dear Lord, send out your Spirit into this city, this state, this country so that more and more people may hear, know and believe that you are the Christ, the Savior of the world.  Pour out your Spirit on them so that they might believe and then be joined to the body of Christ.  Come, Holy Spirit!  Amen.