Thursday, July 25th

“He said to them, ‘Therefore every teacher of the law who has become a disciple in the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old.’”  Matthew 13:52

Dear Jesus, With your Old and New Testaments, we all have “something old and something new” of which you speak.  Both are necessary and both lead to our salvation.  I have come to love them both with the same level of affection.  I see myself in the people featured there.  I hear your voice in the words in red.  I find friends in the prophets and apostles.  They all speak your word into my heart.  I’m saved and I’m not alone.  I have your over 50 writers to share life with me.  Help me live in your word with them and to never lose my way as I take your book as my guide before leaving earth.  Amen.

The word of Moses to John and everything in between make great friends on our pilgrim journey.