Saturday, April 6th

“Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse does not come to rest.”  Proverbs 26:2

Dear Jesus, You endured so much criticism throughout your life.  I know it had to hurt but it didn’t seem like it slowed you down.  It’s easy for me to get hung up on the negative things I hear being said about me.  I can dwell on them way too long.  Your word in this little proverb is very comforting to me.  If a curse of my name is undeserved, you will prevent it from ultimately ruining me.  Oh, I know it will affect me, but it doesn’t have to ruin me.  I love to watch birds and sometimes I wait a long time for them to light on a branch so I can zero in on them with my binoculars.  The metaphor of a fluttering sparrow not landing is not lost on me.  I get it.  Unwarranted criticism will never settle and land on me.  It will flutter away soon after it is said.  That gives me freedom from worry about how the gossip can affect me.  Help me be bold in the face of criticism especially when I am sure I am doing my best to do the right things for the right reasons.

Spray yourself with grace and pesky gnats from your critics will stay away from you.