Saturday, March 9th

“Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but whoever hates correction is stupid.  Good people obtain favor from the Lord, but he condemns those who devise wicked schemes.  No one can be established through wickedness, but the righteous cannot be uprooted.”  Proverbs 12:1-3

Lord God, As I live my life in this world there are times when I feel an abundance of pressure on my shoulders.  I feel pressure to measure up in your side.  I have a deep desire to avoid pain and suffering.  I worry and am concerned about many things in my life.  I even carry the weight of my sin in my heart, even trying to cover it up and hide it from people and from you.  But, Lord, you do not want me to carry any of this weight.  You sent your Son to bear away the guilt of all my sin.  You always promise to forgive me.  In addition, you also promise to handle all the things that I am worried about.  I am worried, but God I know that you are not.  You not only know how it will all work out in the end, but you are also actively in charge of everything in my life.  When pain enters my life, you are actively working to shape, mold and model me after your likeness.  It’s all good for me!  So, Lord, help me to live freely, unburdened, and untethered from all that would weigh me down today.  Help me to rise up and live freely in your grace and mercy.  You Lord are good and your love for me endures forever.  Amen.

The wicked are constantly conniving, scheming, etc. to accomplish what they desire on their own.  There is no diligence.  There is no integrity.  There is blustery, destructive, lying and deceptive speech.  When discipline comes they seek to escape it.  There is so much more pressure here because the wicked are trying to accomplish what they want apart from God and apart from what is wise and good.  There is no foundation for the stupid.  They will be uprooted.  The righteous, on the other hand, will be more deeply rooted and will never be uprooted.