“It set itself up to be as great as the commander of the army of the Lord; it took away the daily sacrifice from the Lord, and his sanctuary was thrown down. Because of rebellion, the Lord’s people and the daily sacrifice were given over to it. It prospered in everything it did, and truth was thrown to the ground.” Daniel 8:11-12
Lord God, As I continue to read Daniel, I see his dream fulfilled more and more clearly in these days. I see how public worship, the public gathering of God’s people to meet with God and with each other, is being taken away and is under attack. I see how the truth of God is trampled in the streets. People mock it, ridicule it and assault it. And if they do not outright reject it, too many twist your Word to say what they want it to say. Too many make it say things that you never meant your Word to say. Your truth is trampled in the streets, mired in the muck like pearls before swine. And I’m only describing what I see happening in this country. In other parts of the world, your church suffers an even greater attack and an even harsher persecution than we do here and now. Yes, Lord, I still pray, How long? How long will you let your truth be trampled under feet? How long will your people be kept from gathering together around your Word and Supper? How long must this go on? I see and I feel the attack of the beasts on every side. I pray Lord, for as long as this must go on, protect your church. Protect me. Keep me from treating your Word and your truth as a trivial or meaningless thing. Sustain me and all of your people by the power of your Word that we will not falter or fall even while the Dragon pursues us into the wilderness. O Lord, save! O Lord, sustain! O Lord, protect! O Lord, help! Amen.
The Devil will roar and rage. His beasts will rise, yet they will certainly be thrown down before our Sovereign God. Our God will preserve and protect his people. He will keep us to the end. Nothing-absolutely nothing-can separate us from the love of God.