“Each heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can share its joy.” Proverbs 14:10
Dear Heavenly Father, There are times when I experience deep feelings of disappointment toward people I had hoped would walk close to me in life but who seemed out of touch with my emotions and even uninterested in trying to figure me out. Here you tell me that it’s the way of life on earth. I have an “alone” road to walk. Knowing that you see this, understand this, and love me through this, helps me immensely. In one way, I get to have a unique experience that no one can invade. You created me and you know all my thoughts. You “get me” even when I don’t get myself. I know your Son, Jesus, understands this alone-ness because he felt alone as your perfect Son when he walked here with us. So, I have him also as an understanding friend. I repent of expecting too much from people. I forgive them for not being with me in every feeling and emotion I have. And I commit myself to being the best friend I can be for them. Thank you for giving me a path to walk that is uniquely mine. I will work hard to make the best out of it, trusting that you graciously accept my efforts. Amen.
Alone-ness will only be loneliness if you make it so.