Monday, August 14th

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”  Romans 8:28

Dear Jesus, What a wonderful verse for this week when we are all hearing about a virus that could sweep the world and kill millions, and when we hear reports out of Nigeria and Pakistan of people killing Christians in brutal attacks.  You gave these words to your Apostle in a day when no one knew what germs were, and the Romans slung people around like rag dolls.  You spoke into their hearts, “I am working well even when you think everything is bad.”  Help me to remember this insight as reports trickle out about new cases of the flu and people running for their lives.  Give me a peace than can be felt by those around me.  Teach me how to be cautious but not fearful, kind but not careless, and obedient but not rigid.  Guide us through these crazy times with the light of your grace and truth.  Amen.

God wants us to work as it depends on us but trust that it really depends on him.